Green is a very noble color. It makes makeup look very chic. But for some reason, this color is rarely used in the eye makeup. Although green suits every lady. It is only necessary to choose the right shade. In this article, let’s look at how to do with a green eye pencil makeup. And also, what shades will suit you, and what it depends on.
Green pencil is for every eye color!
Many girls are afraid to use it because of the fact that it does not fit their type of appearance. But green is a lot of shades. Its palette is so diverse that there is a suitable tone for everyone.
With the help of a green pencil you can perform different variations of makeup: from light daytime to “smoky aisle”. If you choose the right shade, you can accentuate the natural beauty of your eyes. But how to do it? Who is suitable for a green eye pencil? Read about it below.
What should you pay attention to when choosing a green pencil?
To find the right shade, you need to consider several factors. First of all, the choice depends on the color of the eyes and skin tone. The shade of hair also matters. And of course, picking a green eye pencil should take into account what kind of event you are going to makeup for. About each of the factors in more detail.

Pencil to match the color of your eyes
For green-eyed people.
Green-eyed women makeup with a pencil of this color is very suitable. It is only worthwhile to decide on the tones. Shades that should be carefully looked at: marsh, khaki, malachite. The only thing to focus attention on: ladies with bright green eyes do not need to choose the same saturated color.
For brown eyes.
For brown-eyed beauties a green pencil will also be appropriate. Here there is a small restriction: as this color is dark, it is better not to choose light colors. At the end of the makeup, you will see in the mirror a tired girl. Therefore, choose a green pencil for brown eyes in such shades as: bog, emerald and jade. It is they will reveal the natural beauty.
For blue and gray eyes.
Blue-eyed and gray-eyed ladies should be careful when choosing a green pencil. The best option would be to use not a pure color, but transitional shades. For example, you can opt for blue-green or gray-green. It is extremely not recommended for women with such eye color green pencil to choose a saturated and bright tone. You can make an unusual makeup with several shades. Let one of them be pure green, and the second – from a completely different color palette.
Eye pencil to match your skin tone and hair color
This is no less important factor when choosing this decorative cosmetic. Here the rule should be followed: the paler the skin tone, the lighter the shade of green eye pencil should be. Otherwise, makeup will not accentuate the beauty of the face, but only to flaunt its flaws.
Pale skinned girls should abandon the green pencil. It can even create the effect of a black eye. But for ladies with peachy, healthy skin, green pencil – a real godsend. Therefore they can safely experiment with different shades.
Blond girls will do with a greenish-yellow shade. Brown-haired girls can choose the most saturated colors. The ideal solution for brunettes would be a dark green eye pencil. Redheads should look more closely to the swamp shades.
What kind of event is the makeup for?
It is impossible not to take into account when choosing a shade of green, in what situation it will be used:
- For parties and discos, the brightest tones are suitable.
- For a social event, the most acceptable will be saturated colors.
- For everyday makeup, you should choose matte, restrained shades.
Eye makeup options with green pencil
Consider several variations of the use of this color in the makeup. About the most fashionable options for the use of green eye pencil with photo makeup details you will read below.
Option 1: Colored arrows.
Combine two fashion trends in one makeup. On the one hand, they will be arrows. On the other, they will be colored and bright. If you are experienced in drawing arrows, then this option will be easy. If you are struggling with drawing arrows, then, in order to draw a perfectly beautiful line, follow these simple steps. Put two points (in the middle of the eyelid and at the tip of the future arrow) and connect them to each other with a continuous line.
Variant 2. Double arrows.
Black eyeliner is also useful here. Use it to draw graphic arrows. Wait until it dries. Then, trying to be as close as possible to the eyeliner, apply a green eyeliner pencil. It is better to make a line of the same thickness as the main arrow. It is acceptable to draw it a little bit thinner, but in any case not thicker.
Variant 3. Green pencil along the lower line of the eyelid.
As in the previous variation, draw an arrow with black eyeliner. You can also use brown. Underline the lower eyelid green eyeliner pencil. The most harmonious would look turquoise. This version of the makeup you can see on the fashion shows. Professional stylists use it to make the look more expressive.
Option 4. Make a “smoky eye” with a green pencil.
Experiment and make such an unusual makeup. To do this, apply a green pencil on the upper and lower lash lines. Then flatten it. So you will create the effect of a light haze on the eyes, as in the classic “smokey eye”.
Option 5. Pencil plus shadow.
Above was described the use in only the cosmetic product under consideration. But it is possible to apply a green pencil in the makeup and in combination with shadows. Colors can be very diverse.
As an afterword
The article provided information about what you should be guided by when choosing a green eye pencil, and what makeup can be done with its help. Now you will be able to choose the most suitable shade. And the described makeup options will only help to emphasize the beauty of your eyes. Experiment and come up with your own variations!